Thursday, April 2, 2009

T.V. Thursday Disappointment

I just have to say how disappointed I am that there wasn't a new 'Office' on tonight. I look forward to 8:00 Thursday nights ALL week. Does anyone else out there watch The Office? If not, you're sincerely missing out. If you do - what the SAM HILL is going to happen? What's going to become of Michael, and what in the world is Pam thinking?

Mike just informed me that there will be 2 new episodes on next week. You're redeemed, NBC!

Now I'm off to pack for the Oklahoma Ladies' Retreat... I'm leaving at the crack of dawn to get down there and hostess Liz Curtis Higgs for the weekend, and help out where I can. It's going to be great!


  1. Are you taking Sam or is Mike taking off work (or something else)? In any case, have a great time on the retreat!

  2. I know! I was looking forward all week to Thursday night TV and all that was new was Survivor. Very disappointing. We LOVE The Office and are so curious what will happen. Pam is crazy to have left with Michael. And what gets me is that Jim let her walk out!

  3. I'll tell you what the SAM HILL is going to happen... at least this is my hypothesis! The new boss is going to screw things up at Dunder Mifflin, and they are going to beg Michael Scott to come back.

  4. I'm with Jenna, I can't believe Jim didn't even seem to try to talk her out of it. I was disappointed, but I was also into the last E.R. I have watched that show and liked it for about half my life (so Mike informed me). But I was disapppointed there wasn't one on. And "YAY" for 2 new episodes!

  5. Yea for Office Fans! We love it- definitely the funnest TV show on. I didn't know that it wasn't new on Thursday. We tape them and are about 3 weeks behind in watching them. We can only watch things after both the girls are asleep and many times, at that point, I just go to sleep too!(you feel me, don't you girl?). So much to Jason's dismay, we are very behind. I have no idea what you are talking about with Pam but I can't wait to catch up and see it!

  6. Umm, yeah, I was disappointed that there was nothing recorded for me to watch when I got home!
